What is the Poop Button

Today i am sharing potentially helpful story. I'm sharing it in an effort to do my part to make the world a better place.To know how do we activate the so-called magical "poop button"? It's easy. All it takes is firmly applying pressure to this spot with your fingers for about a minute while focusing on taking deep breaths. Keep applying pressure until...well, let's just say you'll know when it's working.

Bunny who was a small child, was sitting on the toilet, trying to go. He was really uncomfortable. His mother, noticing his anguish, checked one of her many natural remedy books (Natural Healing For Children: An Essential Handbook for Parents), thinking maybe she should give him some Vitamin C to get things moving. The book, however, suggested using acupressure to ease his constipation. As soon as she pushed the spot described in the book (which will forever be known as the Poop Button in their household- yes it deserves the capitalization), he immediately shouted, “I’m pooping.” As, indeed, he was. Later, Bunny’s mother was recounting the harrowing tale to a friend and proceeded to demonstrate the acupressure spot on herself. Within 5 minutes, she, too, was running toward the bathroom.

So, it's important you wanna know the spot that helps with constipation from any kind.

It's called the Sea of Energy (aka Conception Vessel 6) and is located three fingerwidths directly below the bellybutton.

Tips to remember for acupressure!

Always measure any ‘fingerwidgths’ with the fingers of the person being acupressured. That keeps the ratios the same.

Back off if this causes pain. If this happens, retry it very gently, slowly and steadily increasing the pressure. Also, focus on the breath if this happens, as it can help to release stress and pain.

Sometimes this works in as little as 5 or 10 seconds. If it doesn't, feel free to continue applying pressure for 1 to 3 minutes. Don't hold it for more than 5 minutes.

I would also like to add that, in our house, we don't have problems with chronic constipation and this method has consistently worked within a minute or two. For cases of chronic constipation, it might require more frequent (and maybe shorter) sessions of acupressure.

As a mom who has seen functions of the human body that no man could keep his lunch after seeing (surely you can relate) this is actually VERY informative and will be saved in the "emergency" files of my mommy brain forever. 

I think I could contribute to and gain a lot from that group!


How long do you have to push the poop button? 


The answer is  5 seconds to a maximum of 5 minutes.

Some other suggestions from different researchers!

When I saw this post, I found the spot and pressed for about 30 seconds. Then I stopped, feeling rather silly. Now just let me say, that I usually have "trouble" in the mornings and have a number of things I need to do before I'm usually able to go: yoga stretches made to help digestive issues, self tummy massage, and a nice big cup of coffee. And often as not, none of that works anyway. This morning I didn't do ANY of it. I tell you-- not 30 seconds after I pressed "the button" I felt my tummy gurgling! I was like "No way!" SO I pressed it again for about a minute and low and behold--SUCCESS! Gonna try this again tomorrow to make sure it wasn't just a fluke, but SERIOUSLY amazing. 

If someone is experiencing CHRONIC constipation, it's probably time to change something in their diet in a major way. Ouch. More veggies, fruit, etc., that mean more fiber in the diet would be something to think about. 

It can also be caused by medications; mainly pain medications and muscle relaxers; as well as a lot of stress in ones life. Speaking from personal experience, Fiber One bars and the like, as well as a lot of water and organic fruit juices and exercises are also good things to add to the daily routine to help with constipation.

I do not suffer from constipation, but curiosity got the best of me and I tried this. I ended up "going" a little bit, all day long! Is there anyway to turn off the button? Luckily I work from home and have easy access to the bathroom. But, I think a warning to those who try this, would be to make sure you have a bathroom close by.

I'm floored. I was lying in my bed and read this and had to try. Amazing. 30years in the medical field and never once heard this. A true miracle for people. 

Hmmm. I wonder if this would still work for those with large amounts of belly fat?! Because I'm trying to push that spot for quite some time, maybe trying a pencil eraser & laying down on my back might help! Thanks for the tip though!

 Several foods really help. First suggestion is large glasses of water before meals and before bedtime. Try eating a whole grain cereal like oatmeal with an apple. Sweet potatoes, kale or spinach (any dark green veggie), carrots raw, apples raw, plums or grapes are really helpful.

I add additional fiber to my supplements daily by adding psyllium or flax meal. Remember, you must have a daily

regimen to keep everything on a regular flow.

I have recently tried peppermint essential oil mixed with a carrier oil- I apply at nigh

I just had to pin this...The weird thing is, I must have figured this out and never realized to talk about it. I bet I have been using my "Poop Button " for quite a few years. I've had a gastric bypass and am on 14 different medications, so diarrhea and constipation have been part of my life 28 years. I don't know of a button to shut off diarrhea, but as for constipation, this is the real deal. I can also say that my button is very touchy/sensitive so I always start with a short button push. You can always push for longer as time passes.

Seriously best way to poop = to have a Hand Bidet Sprayer by the toilet. With these you don't really need Toilet Paper anymore and you can use it to spray some water up your pipes to get things moving with less straining. Helps with Constipation and Hemorrhoids and makes it less stressful. See bathroomsprayers.com.

Anon, you press where the circle is, the three fingers are used to show you how to measure how far down.

After reading this post I now understand why I go to the bathroom a lot. I'm always pressing on my lower belly (i don't know why) but I find after doing so I have to use the rest room and I didn't know why...but now it all makes sense. 

Hi All, I suffered horribly from constipation years ago. It was from a combination of bad relationships, a party life and unhealthy eating and drinking...usually embracing the diet of the person I was in a relationship with. After a colon cancer scare (age 30) I listen to my body (still working on the heart thing (which will be the death of me)). But I do embrace a more Vegan diet and "steamed" veggies and fresh fruit are a huge part of my daily diet and garden grown! Blessings to all. Keep the Faith and if it's not working for you, then change it and take the "Leap of Faith".

Review on my article!

Thought this post was so crazy, decided to try it anyway. Three days of not being able to go......pressed for about 1 min. I will admit....it works. Thank you for the tip.

Taking probiotics will have a vastly positive impact on your digestive health. They’re great for overcoming problems like diarrhea and constipation. Probiotics will also reduce gas and flatulence.

There are reports that the beneficial bacteria could also aid the recovery of individuals suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and even food allergies.

Rather than exercise concentrate more on food u take and fluids

Eat half bunch of leafy vegetables or half papaya at a gone in a day

Drink lot of fluids

If ur constipated from long time try medical management to soften stools then correct ur intake like foods fluids

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