YouTube tricks for best earning

According to my research as YouTuber today in simple terms I'll do my best to explain how much YouTubers are paid and how much a YouTuber would make roughly in a month. Let's discuss!

It's basically like having adverts on your site or a site, the only difference is that the adverts are videos and not just text, pictures or gifs (repeating short video).

Youtube pays you only when your videos have been approved and monetized.

Here two measurements or parameters are used to determine your pay by YouTube they are;

The number of advert views, (i.e. hits or views your monetized video gets)

The pay for the number of advert views is known technically as CPM. Now to make it trackable and easier, advertising companies such as Google, YouTube pay you for every 1000 views i.e. A particular amount is given to you for every 1000 views.

The amount depends on the niche the youtuber is into.

 A gaming YouTuber might receive $4 for every 1000 views, while a real estate youtuber might receive as high as $15 per 1000 views.

2. The number of Advert clicks;

This second measure for payment is also known as CPC. Every time a viewer clicks on the link to the advertisers site, YouTube pays you an amount of money.

This also includes the number of viewers that watch the video past the '5 seconds skip to video' time. Note that it's quite different from CPM we talked about above. You will be paid for this also.

But keep in mind that this amount paid depends on the viewers region. And also depends on the niche your into!

YouTube would pay a tech youtuber up to $1.2 for an American viewers click, but from Canadian and Indian viewers click, it would be about $0.90 and $0.09 respectively.

And like I said, it depends on your niche/area and type of advert. An advert for a game would pay less than an advert for cars or online trading.

I'm a youtuber, that's why I can give some degree of exact figures.Determinegree of exact figures.Determine your target audience: Decide on the specific demographic or group of adults that you want to target with your content. This could be based on interests, hobbies, or a specific niche within the adult audience.

Research your new niche: 

Familiarize yourself with the interests, trends, and popular channels within the adult demographic. This will help you understand what kind of content resonates with them and how you can stand out within that niche.

Create adult-oriented content:

Start creating content that is tailored to your new target audience. This could involve choosing different topics, adjusting your tone or style, and creating content that is more mature or sophisticated.

Update your channel: 

Make changes to your channel artwork, channel description, and social media profiles to reflect your new direction. Update your channel tags and keywords to optimize your videos for search results related to your new niche.

Promote and engage with your new audience:

Reach out to communities and forums related to your niche to promote your content. Engage with your viewers through comments, social media, and live streams to build a loyal audience.

Important to Monetize your channel: 

Once you have established a consistent viewership and engagement with your adult-oriented content, you can apply to become a YouTube Partner and monetize your channel through ads, sponsorships, merchandise, and other revenue streams.

Collaborate and network: 

Build relationships with other YouTubers in your new niche and collaborate on projects or videos. This can help you grow your audience and gain exposure within the adult community.

Analyze and adapt:

Continuously monitor your channel's performance using YouTube Analytics to understand what type of content resonates the most with your adult audience. Adjust your content strategy and approach based on viewer feedback and data.

Transitioning to a new niche may take time and effort. It's important to stay consistent, create high-quality content, and actively engage with your new audience to build a loyal following and increase your earning potential.While there are ways to potentially earn money on YouTube, it's important to note that building a sustainable income on the platform usually requires time, effort, and a solid strategy. "Making money fast" on YouTube is challenging and might not yield long-term results.

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