Be humble it costs nothing

Remember, everyone has something to teach you, from Harvard Law Professors to the homeless guy on the street. We all have equal value in this world when put in the right context.

Seek out experiences that are outside your understanding. The more you realize how little you know, the more humble you will become.

Amitabhh Bachchan says ... “At the peak of my career, I once was traveling by airplane.

There was a simple gentleman sitting next to me wearing a simple shirt and pants. He looked middle class, and looked highly educated.

Other passengers were recognizing who I am, but this gentleman seemed ignorant to my presence... He was reading his paper, looking out the window, and when tea was served, he quietly drank it.

I smiled at them trying to communicate with her. The man smiled politely at me and said 'Hello'.

Our conversation started and I picked up the subject of cinema and movies and asked, 'Do you watch movies? '

The man replied, 'Oh, very little. I watched a movie many years ago. '

I mentioned that I worked in the film industry.

The man replied .. "Oh, this is good. What do you do? "

I replied, 'I am an actor'

The man smh, 'Oh, that's amazing! ' So this is the thing ...

When we landed, I shake hands and said, "It was nice to travel with you. By the way, my name is Amitabh Bachchan! "

The man smiled while shaking hands, "Thank you... Nice to meet you.. I am JRD TATA (Chairman of TATA)! "

I learned that day no matter how old you are. Always someone from you !! BIG !! Happens.

Be humble, it costs nothing.

Ratan Naval Tata is a popular Indian industrialist, philanthropist, and a former chairman of Tata Sons. Because of his charm, after his debut on Instagram in October last year, Ratan Tata in February reached briskly the 1 million followers mark on Instagram. As he reached the milestone, the 82-year-old celebrated the good news by posting a picture of himself with a thank you note.

One way to practice humility is to spend more time listening than you do talking. If you spend all of your time talking about yourself or sharing your ideas, then you'll be less likely to learn from others or to appreciate what they have to offer.

Spend time listening to others.

Practice mindfulness, and focus on the present.

Be grateful for what you have.

Ask for help when you need it.

Seek feedback from others on a regular basis.

Review your actions against the language of pride.

You’re the most awesomest, coolest, finest and most amazing person on planet Earth.

If you believe it, cool. You must have achieved something as big as hell to look think of yourself as such.

And if you have achieved it, I’m sure you have worked your ass off to be there.

If you’ve worked your ass off, you’ve seen struggle in life. If you’ve seen struggle in life, you won’t disparage others who are still in the phase that you were in few years back.

So humility comes naturally. You don’t have to try to achieve it.

But if you haven’t achieved anything in life and you still think you’re the most awesomest, coolest, finest and most amazing person on planet Earth, you need a psychiatrist. Not a training in humbleness.

P.S. I’m listening to Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Humble’ right now. It’s a good guide on ‘How to remain humble all your life!’

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