Remarkable invention of Pakistani student Bisma

A very great news for all Pakistani student that Bisma Solangi receive the surprise of her life after the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) acknowledged her remarkable invention in the age of only 13 years.

The 13-year-old invented anti-sleep glasses which aims to stop car drivers from falling asleep during driving amid global efforts against curbing road accidents and improving road safety.

For the reason to acknowledge her invention, US space agency NASA has invited the student to their summer camp. The opportunity will further enhance her abilities to create more devices that can contribute to society.

Bisma highlighted the abilities of Pakistani students and emphasized the importance of determination in achieving extraordinary achievements.

Bisma inventions that could reduce accidents and save precious human lives. Scientists are working on anti-sleep glasses, also known as drowsiness detection glasses,which can be integrated with modern vehicles.

These glasses works by monitoring several parameters, such as steering patterns, lane deviations, and driver behavior, to detect signs of drowsiness. If glasses detect driver sleeping, it quickly triggers an alert, by analyzing factors like eye movement and facial expressions.

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