Importance of educated society

 Importance of education and knowledge in one's life is to became awareness about human society where we live in. Through education we have knowledge and through knowledge you gain wisdom. With no education its like staying in a dark place. Education is ultimate source of clearing your ignorance. Its like giving a eye to blind man.

Education trains the people to face the challenges and make their lives better. The more educated a person the higher is the chances of her or his success in life.

See, the only thing you have is education. Why not try as much as you can to make the best of it? Education is very important, it's no scam.

ResearchGate how important is the human education

Education is the line between dying of something easily curable or living. Education is the difference between being an informed, enlightened citizen, capable of participating in governance and holding that government accountable on one hand versus being a pawn incapable of discerning demagoguery or tyranny on the other. Education is the chance to pursue interests because they are intellectually stimulating rather than a life of merely surviving. Education is a clearer view to truth, leverage to exceed personal biases, the ability to reach beyond myths and embrace whatever is found. Education is the tool by which one may grow, express, pursue, enjoy and then share what is learned with others. To stand on the shoulders of those who came before and see farther than any before, to lift up those who follow that they may see farther still.

What is actually a true education by WIKIPEDIA

Consider this: All the brain capital and all the materials for all the engineering to build all the things we so readily use today is built using stuff that was always available right here on Earth. The tools needed to solve problems that beset humanity for centuries became footnotes in history once formal education became more widely available.

The millennia humanity spent toiling in the mud, dying young, fighting over land and resources while wasting what was already at hand, century upon century of the “haves” forcing to ground the “have nots” for shortsighted gain was never actually necessary. All the confident religions espousing assured truth, all the vanity of rulers enforcing selfish goals, all the wars fought by “us” against “them”, all of that waste might never have been had there been education available to more people.

Slavery, universal suffrage, enforced genital mutilation, witch’s hangings, inquisition, excommunication, crusading, apartheid, castes, gerrymandering, capitalist excess, communist waste, pogroms, poverty - all of these things are defeated with education.

And yet these problems continue to limit humanity. We have not yet seen what can be accomplished when every last one of us receives the chance to succeed as far as our ability may take us. If we are ever to reach our potential as a species, education is our path forward.

A child is born as I write this. All the potential of that new life is as yet unknown. Every day that new person lives, their potential rises or falls by the weight of the society, culture, government and people where they live. Education is the most efficient tool ever devised by humanity to ensure that child’s potential rises. All the successes that child may know, and humanity benefit with them, depend on that child’s chance to use their abilities to best effect. Education is an exponential increase in those chances.

We are constantly receiving an education. We are enveloped in an atmosphere and an environment that educates us, whether intentionally or otherwise, and each day is new. Therefore, if we are discussing education, we have to precisely discern whether our influences are intentionally directed at us, at each and every person—that we shape them a certain way—or whether the influence is unintentional and seemingly random.

We then also need to examine the kinds of environmental and social influences we receive on a daily basis, and the kind of societies we belong to. The examination and choice of our environmental and social influences is crucial to how we advance in our lives, but we also have to know how society influences us, because otherwise we do not know where we currently are and where we will end up.

We have to see our future and the future of humanity, or an entire society in a certain country, as the outcome of our impressions in life. If such impressions are intentionally directed at us, and they influence our thoughts, values and behaviors, then we have to take that into consideration. It is like parents who want their children to be free from influences of crime, drugs and other negative phenomena. As it is obvious with parents toward their children, so it is with adults, too. Also, our social influences include what we absorb on the Internet, the television, movies, the radio, and other such media. Everything influences us, so we have to reexamine the environment and the values that we find ourselves in, and check whether our influences are positive or negative, and what kind of environmental and social influences—i.e. what kind of education—we would need in order to guide our development to a harmonious and peaceful state.

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