USA Best Paying Jobs In Life Insurance

We are going to discuss about best insurance jobs in the USA here we can only answer for the USA. In addition most of the jobs are skilled white collar jobs. Meaning you need advanced education and or certification to land those jobs. But I am sure this is not impossible for you genius people.
A lot of companies/agencies will hire without an insurance license, or at least give you an offer and time frame to purse, and most will pay or reimburse you to get them. I got my license in 2011 after getting an offer with no experience and started at a life and health only company, basically in a call center two days a week and door to door and in home appointment 3–4 days a week, commission only. I did that for 5 years until I changed to a primarily property and casualty insurer while also still offering financial service and banking in predominately an in office setting.

There is also nothing stopping you from pursuing your licensing without having a job yet to strengthen your resume for when you do start applying. The cost is only $250–$500 total for the study material and or class and fees, for either the property and casualty, or life and health, here in Indiana(Check your state DOI for the cost). Getting licensed before hand would certainly show your serious about the opportunity and eliminates some of the risk on the employers.

Discussion in detail!

Property and Causality Insurance Sales Representative —A person that sells property insurance. Requires a Property and Causality license for the state(s) one is selling in.
Health and Life Insurance Representative. Same as above but sell heath insurance and life insurance.
Insurance Broker A sales person who brokers for multiple insurance carriers Has to have the same licenses as the above.
Underwriters-analysts and process insurance applications. Looks at risk and makes business decisions.
Business Analysts jobs. Employees who try to predict trends and niches that the company can use to gain market share over time.
IT Hardware job —End User professionals, network teams (switches routers) database admins, (DBA), server administrators, cloud architects
IT Software jobs, Developers, DevOps professionals,
IT Project managers-who work on specific projects for the company.
Customer Service-jobs for people who address customers issues and concerns.
Marketing jobs. Includes social media marketing, direct marketing, market analysts graphic artists and others.
Financial / Accounting jobs—Looks at P&L Balance sheets and other financial statements to aid in business decisions.
Management jobs in the various fields above.
Lobbyists. Individuals who advocate for the companies legal desires with politicians.
Lawyers -advocates of the Insurance companies interests in the courts.
Claim investigation jobs. Typically contracted private investigators who look into individuals making health claims to see if they are being truthful.
Insurance Adjuster / claims adjuster. In property and causality claims a person who works for the insurance company that evaluates how much they will pay you for your claim
Human Resource Professional —person who hires fires and administrators HR policy for the company.
Doctor / contract position—some Health and Life companies have doctors they use on contract to examine person with injury or illness claims.
Office Admin. Receptions, personal assistants and others who answer phones email ect.
Custodian. Many times contract work. Cleans offices.

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