Importance of Human hair on different body parts

Human hair have different functions depending on the area of the body.

The hair on our heads doesn't just look nice. It keeps us warm us warm by preserving heat. Hair in the nose, ears, and around the eyes protects these sensitive areas from dust and other small particles. Eyebrows and eyelashes protect eyes by decreasing the amount of light and particles that go into them.

On the head, they protect against solar radiation and the cold.

On the eyebrows, they prevent sweat from getting down and reaching the eyes and also protect it from sun radiation. 

In the ears, hair and earwax function as a protection to protect it from  dirt particles, small insects and bacteria.

In the nostrils, hair functions as a natural filter that prevents dust particles from entering the airways, which is why the famous 'snot' forms on the outside of the nose.

In the armpits, hairs protect the skin from friction between the arms and the body. Acting like guard.

Eyelashes protect the eyes from sun radiation and direct exposure to the heating. 

In the intimate region, in women, they function as an initial protection of the vaginal canal against the entry of substances that can cause infection or disease. For men,  they could have served to protect against the cold.

Wikipedia research

Almost all over our body is covered with hairs except, lips, the palm of hands, soles of feet, glans of penis and labia minora of women’s genitalia. There are more than five million hair follicles on our body comparably equal to other primates.

Some hairs are thick and long enough that we can see them like hairs on the head, underarms, and pubic area. In some human ethnics, there are more hairs than others.

Hairs in on our body have lots of great functions, here are some of them.

The hair on the head: protect us against UV light and also it is a shock absorbent. About 30% of our body heat would be lost if there is no hair on our head.

Facial hair on men is a secondary sexual characteristic that in the process of evolution had some functions in attracting a mate or in fighting enemies.

Underarm and pubic hairs, trap sexual attraction hormone (pheromones) and in women probably protects genital area.

Hairs on the body are connected to sensory nerves and detect touches, pressure, and other senses. As a matter of fact, hairs are much more responsive to environmental changes than skin alone.

Hairs follicles are a complex structure that secretes fatty acid and other oily substance to give the skin an acidic and oily coverage that protect our body against pathogenic bacteria, and dehydration. Hair act like a stick in hair follicles that guides secretions to the surface of the skin and keep hold them.

For esthetic reasons we shave or remove some hairs from our body but, most hairs are still intact and do their own wonderful functions.

As for the other hairs we have on our arms, legs, back, etc., many scientists believe that they are just legacies from our ancestors who were much hairier.

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