Which are the top 10 most readed newspapers of US

I find that there are several factors that cause any newspaper to be factual and unbiased about some topics and not so for other topics. For examples, there are 1279 daily newspapers in the United States according to the most recently available data.And all newspapers anywhere are biased by the limits of their news sources. Two perfectly legitimate and unbiased newspapers could give different perspectives on a subject, even if their reporters were present at the events. This is why it is always a good idea to view multiple sources and integrate what you are hearing, recognizing that there are different perspectives. After a while, you develop a sense of how their reports might be influenced by where they are and what conditions apply to their reporting.

Latest report by Wikipedia

1/ The Wall Street Journal 

generally has very straight reporting in its non-editorial and non-op-ed sections, but can be rather biased in its editorials and more so in its opinion articles. Moreover, even when the straight news articles themselves are factual, their headlines often reflect the political biases of the newspaper’s owner (who happens to be Rupert Murdoch, a definitely conservative individual). For example, I’ve seen the identical article from an independent source in both the WSJ and some other newspaper, but with headlines that differ significantly in terms of implying something good or bad about the topic. I do give the WSJ credit for occasionally inviting two opinions on a series of topics (usually in a special section) and even, now and then, in their op-ed sections. But their regular opinion and op-ed columns tend to be quite biased toward a particular point of view. I’d call it a traditional Republican/conservative/capitalist point of view. I’ve seen them decry actions on the part of liberal politicians and several months later rationalize almost identical actions on the part of conservative politicians. I also note their selection of what news to print and where in the paper to print it reflects this bias somewhat. For example, a few weeks ago there was an article about a lot of former justice department employees and officers complaining about something or other. 

2/ The New York times 

They distributing high-quality news and information. For more than 150 years, Times readers have expected their newspaper to provide the most thorough and uncompromising coverage in the world. The Times has won more prizes than any other news organization and always remains No. 1 in overall reach of U.S. opinion leaders. The company includes The New York Times, International New York Times, NYTimes.com, INYT.com and related properties

3/ The Washington Post and New York times

The Washington Post and New York Times are somewhat the opposite. Also generally straight in their non-opinion sections but their left leaning bias affects their opinion and op-ed sections, their placement of articles in the paper, their choice of what to print, and their headlines. I think the Times is a bit more left leaning than the Post.

My local paper is the Dallas Morning News. I find them relatively centrist in their coverage and biases. They tend to be equally criticized by the left and the right. As a rule, I find their opinion material to be quite sensible, but some of their columnists are a bit more left than right leaning. I have friends and colleagues who think the DMN is highly biased to the left and others who think it is highly biased to the right.

4/ Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune is the flagship publication of the Chicago Tribune Media Group. Considered an industry leader in journalism, Chicago Tribune Media Group has grown into a multi-product, multi-channel news and information about media and latest event in the county.

5/ Star Tribune 

Providing news about top choice for news, features, photos and latest videos on internet.

6/ Newsday 

Providing all breaking news,data about business, entertainment, travel, sports other lifestyle etc.
It is the most leading news resources!

7/ USA Today

Leading in mobile application and is downloaded by 21 million mobile devices.
Owned by Gannett Co., Inc 
You can download it from here!

8/ Los Angeles Times

One of largest metropolitan daily newspaper is Los Angeles Times  in the country, with a daily readership of 1.4 million and 2.5 million on Sunday, more than 22 million unique latimes.com visitors monthly and a combined print and online local weekly audience of 4.1 million.

9/ Temps Bay Times

The winner of 13 Pulitzer prizes and it is wildly known as Florida top of the pop Newspaper.

10/ New York Post

The big source for breaking news about New York, sports, business, entertainment,real estate, culture, fashion etc.

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