What is Alzheimer's and Dementia let's know with SAGE

 Dementia is a term used for decline in mental thinking and ability and Alzheimer's is a condition in which one forgetting everything, and it is the common cause of dementia ,in  which the individual forgetful than the normal it maybe recently learned, conversation, and even names of people.

People who have such problem and concerned about cognitive issues , they may take SAGE test. It is Self Administered Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE). On this way they can catch their problem early, and with new research they can be treatable.

Some memory loss is normal but if with the passage of time it increases and affect the people around you then SAGE test is helping you to assess to take further steps for treatment.

Click here and evaluate yourself today!

Wexmer medical center SAGE test.

After test your doctor will evaluate your condition, for future reference he may take again your SAGE test to get full accessment for future step. 

All test are available in Adobe document PDF. All people with their memory problems can perform this text. This is 100% authentic test and develop by Dr.Scharee at Ohio state and got brain 🧠 test licensed. Electronic version of SAGE test is here

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