Al-Asmarya Islamic University Review

A prominent Islamic university in Libya and one of the most important landmarks of the city of Zliten. 

An Islamic university related to matters of Sharia, science, economics and law, with a lot of local expertise and doctors known and known for their expertise and science. Al-Jāmi’a Alasmarya is a well renowned public university in the city of Zliten, Libya. They specializing in Islamic sciences such as Islamic theology and Islamic jurisprudence. Founded in 1995, the university’s academic instruction is conducted from October to March.

According to Wikipedia.

The University developed , website for the university students and it is considered as step towards accomplishing and bringing the university vision, message, and objectives into existence, as well as inviting all those who are interested to visit this website, from all over the world which operates as a communication bridge to check for the latest news about the University and its admission requirements. We pray to Almighty God you would be successful.If you want to apply for this university you can go directly to website link!

Asmarya Libya apply today

A great achievement of the university is that,it includes many electronic resources such as PhD and MA theses and dissertations, educational lectures, conference proceedings, periodicals, university directory, research proposals, and students’ projects which are very attractive for all students from all over the world.

Contact phone number.

The university give great attention  to establish various types of electronic libraries and classic bookshelves in all faculties for the students, teaching staff members, and the interested to live in an academic environment. There are Islamic, Arabic, and applied scientific references in eleven libraries around the university

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